
In this gorgeous collection of allegorical stories, Subcomandante Marcos, idiosyncratic spokesperson of the Zapatistas, has provided “an accidental archive” of a revolutionary group’s struggle against neoliberalism. For thirty years, the Zapatistas have influenced and inspired movements worldwide, showing that another world is possible. They have infused left politics with a distinct imaginary—and an imaginative, literary, or poetic dimension—organizing horizontally, outside and against the state, and with a profound respect for difference as a source of political insight, not division. With commentaries that illuminate their historical, political, and literary contexts and an introduction by the translators, this timeless, elegiac volume is perfect for lovers of literature and lovers of revolution.

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) was the Zapatista spokesperson until May 2014, when the Zapatistas decided that his role had come to an end. While “Marcos” disappeared, he was reborn under a different name: Subcomandante Galeano, again adopting the name of a fallen comrade.

Colectivo Relámpago/Lightning Collective is a translators’ collective of Zapatista solidarity activists based in Amherst, MA.

JoAnn Wypijewski is an independent writer, editor, and journalist based in New York. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines, including Mother Jones and The Nation, and she is the author of the book What We Don't Talk About: Sex and the Mess of Life.

Foreword by JoAnn Wypijewski

Sisters Of The Revolution - VVAA
Nourishing Resistance - Wren Awry
The George Floyd Uprising - Vortex Group
Jackson Rising Redux - Kali Akuno & Matt Meye
It Did Happen Here - Moe Bowstern, Mic Crenshaw, Alec Dunn, Celina Flores, Julie Perini, Erin Yanke
The Blast - Joseph Matthews
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