
In late 1936, AS Franco’s armies stormed toward Madrid, Stalin famously termed the defence of Spain “the common cause of all advanced and progressive mankind.” As a German emigrant to Winnipeg, Hans Ibing recognized the importance of the Spanish Civil War to the struggle against worldwide fascism in a way that most people in Canada did not—joining the International Brigades in their fight to defend the Spanish Republic was his “chance to fight Hitler.”

Drawing on interviews, Ibing’s personal papers, and archival material, David Goutor recounts the powerful story of an ordinary man’s response to extraordinary times.


Adventure Capitalism - Raymond Craib
Playing as if the World Mattered - Gabriel Kuhn
Dangerous Visions and New Worlds - Andrew Nette & Iain McIntyre
The Cargo Rebellion - Jason Chang, Ben Barson, Alexis Dudden and Kim Inthavong
La sombra de Franco en la Transición - Alfredo Grimaldos Feito
Filósofos en libertad - Umberto Eco
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