Liberación nacional

  • This book gives an account of the history and the present situation of the Canton of Afrin along with interviews with the inhabitants.
  • Una reivindicació de la figura de Josep Anselm Clavé, en el bicentenari del seu naixement
  • A printing of the compilation of anarchist writings about Palestine put together by Seditionist Distribution in the UK.
  • Zapantera Negra provides a galvanizing presentation of interviews, militant artwork, and original documents from these two movements’ struggle for dignity and liberation.
  • <p>&laquo;Estic dret sobre les ru&iuml;nes d'una casa a la ciutat de Gaza, observant l'horitz&oacute;&raquo;. Aquestes s&oacute;n les paraules inicials d'aquest llibre, finalitzat amb notes de veu mentre Gaza, on viu l'autor, &eacute;s aniquilada. <em>Descolonitzant la ment palestina</em> no tracta del darrer atac israeli&agrave; sobre Gaza. &Eacute;s una cr&iacute;tica aguda als Acords d'Oslo, als territoris creats per l'imperialisme en nom de la soluci&oacute; dels dos Estats. Tamb&eacute; &eacute;s un text, d&rsquo;urg&egrave;ncia, sobre la folkloritzaci&oacute; de la lluita i l'emancipaci&oacute; palestines, que han esdevingut una conducta habitual per part de les organitzacions hist&ograve;riques que lluiten per l'alliberament de Palestina.</p> <p>Haidar Eid es basa en l'obra d'Edward Said, a qui els palestins aprecien per la seva cr&iacute;tica implacable de la seva situaci&oacute;, per fer una crida per un canvi de consci&egrave;ncia. Albira, des de les ru&iuml;nes de Gaza, un nou per&iacute;ode d'amena&ccedil;a sense precedents sobre la cultura, la identitat i el futur del poble palest&iacute;.</p>
  • <p>The S&aacute;mi, who have inhabited Europe&rsquo;s far north for thousands of years, are often referred to as the continent&rsquo;s &ldquo;forgotten people.&rdquo; With S&aacute;pmi, their traditional homeland, divided between four nation-states&mdash;Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia&mdash;the S&aacute;mi have experienced the profound oppression and discrimination that characterize the fate of indigenous people worldwide: their lands have been confiscated, their beliefs and values attacked, their communities and families torn apart. Yet the S&aacute;mi have shown incredible resilience, defending their identity and their territories and retaining an important social and ecological voice&mdash;even if many, progressives and leftists included, refuse to listen.</p> <p><em>Liberating S&aacute;pmi</em> is a stunning journey through S&aacute;pmi and includes in-depth interviews with S&aacute;mi artists, activists, and scholars boldly standing up for the rights of their people. In this beautifully illustrated work, Gabriel Kuhn, author of over a dozen books and our most fascinating interpreter of global social justice movements, aims to raise awareness of the ongoing fight of the S&aacute;mi for justice and self-determination.</p> <p>The first accessible English-language introduction to the history of the S&aacute;mi people and the first account that focuses on their political resistance, this provocative work gives irrefutable evidence of the important role the S&aacute;mi play in the resistance of indigenous people against an economic and political system whose power to destroy all life on earth has reached a scale unprecedented in the history of humanity. The book contains interviews with Mari Boine, Harald Gaski, Ann-Kristin H&aring;kansson, Aslak Holmberg, Maxida M&auml;rak, Stefan Mikaelsson, May-Britt &Ouml;hman, Synn&oslash;ve Persen, &Oslash;yvind Ravna, Niillas Somby, Anders Sunna, and Suvi West.</p>
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