
The Adventures of Tintin: Breaking Free is an anarchist parody of the popular Tintin series of comics. An exercise in detournement, the book was written under the pseudonym J. Daniels. A classic tale of insurrection and urban uprising. First published in 1989 by Attack International, this is a 2021 edition printed by Stortebeker Press.
The press called him «perverted». The police called him «sick and beneath contempt». Even the Prime Minister was «utterly revolted». But he’s proved them all wrong. Now Tintin’s back with all his pals, battling it out against the State and bringing the old world to its knees, in a classic full-length story of love, struggle and revolution.
This edition includes The Scum Tintin's adventures at the Wapping Printers dispute.


Joan Salvat-Papasseit, poeta amb majúscula - Joan Salvat Papasseit
Almogávar - Carlos Polite | Daniel Viñuales
Kobane Calling (en català) - Zerocalcare
Artemisia Gentileschi y el feminismo en la Europa de la Edad Moderna - Mary D. Garrard
Teoría estética - Theodor W. Adorno
La cultura no es una autopista, los museos podrían ser jardines - Lucía Egaña Rojas | Giuliana Racco (eds.)
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