confederalismo democrático

  • Featured in this extraordinary volume are over a dozen contributors whose ideas have been investigated in Öcalan’s own writings.
  • <p>The revolution in Rojava captured the imagination of the left, sparking a worldwide interest in the Kurdish Freedom Movement. <em>The Art of Freedom</em> demonstrates that this explosive movement is firmly rooted in several decades of organized struggle.</p> <p>In 2018, one of the most important spokespersons for the struggle of Kurdish Freedom, Havin Guneser, held three groundbreaking seminars on the historical background and guiding ideology of the movement. Much to the chagrin of career academics, the theoretical foundation of the Kurdish Freedom Movement is far too fluid and dynamic to be neatly stuffed into an ivory-tower filing cabinet.</p> <p>A vital introduction to the Kurdish struggle, <em>The Art of Freedom</em> is the first English-language book to deliver a distillation of the ideas and sensibilities that gave rise to the most important political event of the twenty-first century. The book is broken into three sections: &ldquo;Critique and Self-Critique: The rise of the Kurdish freedom movement from the rubbles of two world wars&rdquo; provides an accessible explanation of the origins and theoretical foundation of the movement. &ldquo;The Rebellion of the Oldest Colony: Jineology&mdash;the Science of Women&rdquo; describes the undercurrents and nuances of the Kurdish women&rsquo;s movement and how they have managed to create the most vibrant and successful feminist movement in the Middle East. &ldquo;Democratic Confederalism and Democratic Nation: Defense of Society Against Societycide&rdquo; deals with the attacks on the fabric of society and new concepts beyond national liberation to counter it. Centering on notions of &ldquo;a shared homeland&rdquo; and &ldquo;a nation made up of nations,&rdquo; these rousing ideas find deep international resonation.</p> <p>Havin Guneser has provided an expansive definition of freedom and democracy and a road map to help usher in a new era of struggle against capitalism, imperialism, and the State.</p>
  • <p>This is the story of two internationalist volunteers who followed in the footsteps of our friend and comrade Anna Campbell and became part of the Rojava revolution. Anna left her home in England and travelled to northeast Syria &mdash;the Rojava region of Kurdistan&mdash; to join the women fighters of the YPJ in the battle against the Islamic State. One year after, she was killed in the Turkish invasion of Afrin.</p> <p>Between us we spent three years there, working alongside Kurdish revolutionaries and other internationalists from around the world, and getting to know the movement that our dear friend decided was worth fighting for.</p> <p>Witnessing and taking part in a revolution in progress made us all the more determined to bring the lessons of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement home. This book is about some of those lessons, about what it means to struggle for freedom and to insist on hope even in the darkest of times.&nbsp;</p> <p>Through stories and reflections, we've tried to bring the revolution to life, and translate some of the big ideas of the movement to our context. This is our love letter to revolution, an attempt to build a brisge between worlds, and a call to arms.</p> <p>&laquo;We wanted to bring (the Rojava) revolution home through stories of both the epic and the mundane, through day to day moments in all of their messiness and poetry. In a world where earnestness is looked down on, this book is where we give ourselves permission to fall in love with a revolution. This book is a product of shared moments with hundreds of comrades, of tales hundreds of years old, of the novels we read as children, of militant struggles old and new, and of an ongoing conversation that&rsquo;s happening right now. We didn&rsquo;t start it and we certainly aren&rsquo;t trying to finish it. But the more people contribute the richer we can build the future. This is what we are committed to be a part of.&raquo;</p>

    <p>A tribute to Anna Campbell and Haukur Hilmarsson In April 2017, Anna Campbell made the journey to Rojava to fight with the YPJ in defense of the revolution and the Kurdish people. Eleven months later in March 2018, she was killed alongside Sara Merdin and Serhilden by Turkish Forces while defending Afrin. Their bodies were never recovered. </p> <p>To commemorate the first year after Anna, Sara and Serhilden&rsquo;s deaths, a book <em>IMMORTAL: Mourning, Martyrs &amp; Murals: an anthology</em>, is now available. Anna&rsquo;s loved ones have collaborated on this project as a counter-move to the pervading media narrative. The book battles with the emotions and experiences of those trying to move forward through grief in the midst of media hysteria and political turmoil. It explores the anger, pain, and guilt faced by those left behind; and scrutinises the meaning of comradeship, friendship, and family. </p> <p>Whilst instigated by comrades of Anna&rsquo;s, this book includes texts and images relating to Haukur Hilmarsson. Haukur, an Icelandic revolutionary, was killed in Afrin just one month before Anna in February 2018. Opening the book out to contributions relating to Haukur intends to illustrate the connections beyond family and friendship found through the shared experience of traumatic bereavement; it&rsquo;s about mutuality and commonality found in the threads of everyday struggle.</p>
  • <p>Durante los &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os, nosotros y nosotras, internacionalistas de todo el planeta, venimos trabajando en muchos aspectos de la Revoluci&oacute;n en Rojava. Animados y animadas por el punto de vista revolucionario del movimiento de liberaci&oacute;n kurdo, hemos venido a aprender, a apoyar y a contribuir al desarrollo de los proyectos existentes. Nuestro objetivo es organizar una nueva generaci&oacute;n de internacionalistas, que se enfrenten a la modernidad capitalista. Con el apoyo del movimiento juvenil de Rojava (YCR/YJC) fundamos la Comuna Internacionalista de Rojava a principios de 2017. Hasta el d&iacute;a de hoy, nuestros proyectos incluyen la organizaci&oacute;n de actividades educativas, delegaciones, cursos de idiomas y la construcci&oacute;n de la primera academia civil para internacionalistas en Rojava.</p> <p>Un pueblo alienado de la naturaleza lo est&aacute; tambi&eacute;n de s&iacute; mismo. Se vuelve autodestructivo. Ning&uacute;n sistema ha mostrado esto de forma tan clara como la modernidad capitalista. La destrucci&oacute;n del medio ambiente y las crisis ecol&oacute;gicas se dan la mano con la opresi&oacute;n y la explotaci&oacute;n de las personas. La irresponsable mentalidad de la obtenci&oacute;n del mayor beneficio econ&oacute;mico posible ha llevado a nuestro planeta al borde del precipicio y ha sumido a la humanidad en una espiral de guerra, hambre y crisis social. Por todo ello, el desarrollo de una sociedad ecol&oacute;gica es uno de los pilares de la Revoluci&oacute;n en Rojava, junto con la liberaci&oacute;n de la mujer y la democratizaci&oacute;n completa de todos los aspectos de la vida. Va m&aacute;s all&aacute; de la protecci&oacute;n de la naturaleza, de poner coto al da&ntilde;o que se le inflige. Se trata de recuperar el equilibrio entre las personas y la naturaleza. Se trata de una &ldquo;unificaci&oacute;n renovada, consciente e informada hacia una sociedad natural y org&aacute;nica&rdquo;. (Abdullah &Ouml;calan).</p>
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