ISBN: 9781914567315

452 págs.

Any: 2023

Format: Rústica

Idioma: English

A Libertarian Reader vol. 2

Fighting For Freedom 1897 – 1936

Fighting For Freedom 1897 – 1936. This volume includes old favourites like Kropotkin, Magon, Ruhle, Makhno and Joe Hill as well as many other less well known libertarians from the early 20th century.




A Libertarian Reader vol. 2

Fighting For Freedom 1897 – 1936


Fighting For Freedom 1897 – 1936. This volume includes old favourites like Kropotkin, Magon, Ruhle, Makhno and Joe Hill as well as many other less well known libertarians from the early 20th century.


ISBN: 9781914567315

452 págs.

Any: 2023

Format: Rústica

Idioma: English