ISBN: 9781914567322

468 págs.

Any: 2023

Format: Rústica

Idioma: English

A Libertarian Reader vol. 3

Fighting For Freedom 1937 – 1976

Fighting For Freedom 1937 – 1976. The third volume covers Kronstadt, the second world war, the Spanish Civil War and the rise of feminism and include Goldman, Dolgoff, Ward and Vaneigem amongst many others.




A Libertarian Reader vol. 3

Fighting For Freedom 1937 – 1976


Fighting For Freedom 1937 – 1976. The third volume covers Kronstadt, the second world war, the Spanish Civil War and the rise of feminism and include Goldman, Dolgoff, Ward and Vaneigem amongst many others.


ISBN: 9781914567322

468 págs.

Any: 2023

Format: Rústica

Idioma: English