Editorial: AK Press

ISBN: 9781873176351

352 págs.

Edición: 1999

Anarchism, Marxism, and the Future of the Left

Interviews and Essays, 1993 - 1998

Murry Bookchin has been a dynamic revolutionary propagandist since the 1930s when, as a teenager, he orated before socialist crowds in New York City and engaged in support work for those fighting Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Now, for the first time in book form, this volume presents a series of exciting and engaging interviews with, and essays from the founder of Social Ecology. This expansive collection ranges over, amongst others, Bookchin´s account of the teenage years as a young Communist during the Great Depression; his experiences of the 1960s and reflections on that decade´s lessons; his vision of a libertarian communist society; libertarian politics; the future of anarchism and the unity of theory and practice. He goes on to assess the crisis of radicalism today and defends the need for a revolutioanry Left. Finally he states what is to be valued in both anarchism and Marxism in building such a Left, and offers guidelines for forming a new revolutionary social movement.


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«Probably the foremost Green philosopher of the age». David Nicholson-Lord, The Independent
Murray Bookchin (Nueva York 1921-Burlington 2006), Comunista en su juventud, con claras posturas antiestalinistas desde un principio, en 1939 sería expulsado del Partido Comunista. Activo trotskista durante la década de 1940, se decantaría posteriormente por el socialismo libertario. Intentó adaptar la tradición libertaria, relacionándola con la preocupación por la ecología y la explotación de recursos. Sus obras adelantaron problemas que hoy son ineludibles: Our Synthetic environment (1962), Ecology and Revolutionary Thought (1964), Crisis in Our Cities (1965) y Towards a Liberatory Technology (1965). Su biografía Ecología o catástrofe. La vida de Murray Bookchin (Virus, 2017), escrita por Janet Biehl, es imprescindible para conocer la historia de los movimientos sociales y del ecologismo social y radical.
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Anarchism, Marxism, and the Future of the Left

Interviews and Essays, 1993 - 1998


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Només en queden 0 en estoc

Murry Bookchin has been a dynamic revolutionary propagandist since the 1930s when, as a teenager, he orated before socialist crowds in New York City and engaged in support work for those fighting Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Now, for the first time in book form, this volume presents a series of exciting and engaging interviews with, and essays from the founder of Social Ecology. This expansive collection ranges over, amongst others, Bookchin´s account of the teenage years as a young Communist during the Great Depression; his experiences of the 1960s and reflections on that decade´s lessons; his vision of a libertarian communist society; libertarian politics; the future of anarchism and the unity of theory and practice. He goes on to assess the crisis of radicalism today and defends the need for a revolutioanry Left. Finally he states what is to be valued in both anarchism and Marxism in building such a Left, and offers guidelines for forming a new revolutionary social movement.


Editorial: AK Press

ISBN: 9781873176351

352 págs.


Murray Bookchin (Nueva York 1921-Burlington 2006), Comunista en su juventud, con claras posturas antiestalinistas desde un principio, en 1939 sería expulsado del Partido Comunista. Activo trotskista durante la década de 1940, se decantaría posteriormente por el socialismo libertario. Intentó adaptar la tradición libertaria, relacionándola con la preocupación por la ecología y la explotación de recursos. Sus obras adelantaron problemas que hoy son ineludibles: Our Synthetic environment (1962), Ecology and Revolutionary Thought (1964), Crisis in Our Cities (1965) y Towards a Liberatory Technology (1965). Su biografía Ecología o catástrofe. La vida de Murray Bookchin (Virus, 2017), escrita por Janet Biehl, es imprescindible para conocer la historia de los movimientos sociales y del ecologismo social y radical.
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«Probably the foremost Green philosopher of the age». David Nicholson-Lord, The Independent