Editorial: PM Press

ISBN: 9781629630953

192 págs.

Año: 2015

Edición: 2

Format: Rústica

Idioma: Anglès

Continental Crucible

Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America

The crucible of North American neoliberal transformation is heating up, but its outcome is far from clear. Continental Crucible examines the clash between the corporate offensive and the forces of resistance from both a pan-continental and a class struggle perspective. This book also illustrates the ways in which the capitalist classes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States used free trade agreements to consolidate their agendas and organize themselves continentally.

The failure of traditional labor responses to stop the continental offensive being waged by big business has led workers and unions to explore new strategies of struggle and organization, pointing to the beginnings of a continental labor movement across North America. The battle for the future of North America has begun.


Només en queden 1 en estoc

Només en queden 1 en estoc


Categories: Economia i Treball


Continental Crucible

Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America


Només en queden 1 en estoc

The crucible of North American neoliberal transformation is heating up, but its outcome is far from clear. Continental Crucible examines the clash between the corporate offensive and the forces of resistance from both a pan-continental and a class struggle perspective. This book also illustrates the ways in which the capitalist classes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States used free trade agreements to consolidate their agendas and organize themselves continentally.

The failure of traditional labor responses to stop the continental offensive being waged by big business has led workers and unions to explore new strategies of struggle and organization, pointing to the beginnings of a continental labor movement across North America. The battle for the future of North America has begun.


Categories: Economia i Treball

Editorial: PM Press

ISBN: 9781629630953

192 págs.

Año: 2015


Format: Rústica

Idioma: Anglès