Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours
Audio Book
On June 12, 2009, Noam Chomsky gave a historic address at the Riverside Church in New York City.
The talk was sponsored by The Brecht Forum and co-sponsors included The Education Ministry of The Riverside Church, Mission and Social Justice Commission of The Riverside Church, Theatre of the Oppressed at The Riverside Church, The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory & Bluestockings Books.
More than 2,000 people attended this historic address, captured here, in which Chomsky offered a powerful analysis of the current economic crisis and its structural roots; the continuity in U.S. foreign policy under the Barack Obama administration; and the class interests driving U.S. domestic and foreign policy. He also speaks here at length about the tradition of worker self-management as a concrete alternative to the business as usual approach of corporations and the government during the current crisis. The CD also features an introduction by Amy Goodman.
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Categories: Anarquisme i pensament antiautoritari, Filosofia
Paraules clau: Audio Book
Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours
Audio Book
On June 12, 2009, Noam Chomsky gave a historic address at the Riverside Church in New York City.
The talk was sponsored by The Brecht Forum and co-sponsors included The Education Ministry of The Riverside Church, Mission and Social Justice Commission of The Riverside Church, Theatre of the Oppressed at The Riverside Church, The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory & Bluestockings Books.
More than 2,000 people attended this historic address, captured here, in which Chomsky offered a powerful analysis of the current economic crisis and its structural roots; the continuity in U.S. foreign policy under the Barack Obama administration; and the class interests driving U.S. domestic and foreign policy. He also speaks here at length about the tradition of worker self-management as a concrete alternative to the business as usual approach of corporations and the government during the current crisis. The CD also features an introduction by Amy Goodman.
Categories: Anarquisme i pensament antiautoritari, Filosofia
Paraules clau: Audio Book
Editorial: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604862119
Medida: 14x14
Año: 2009
Formato: CD
Idioma: Anglès