Editorial: PM Press

ISBN: 9781629637990

152 págs.

Patriarchy of the Wage

Notes on Marx, Gender, and Feminism

At a time when we are witnessing a worldwide expansion of capitalist relations, a feminist rethinking of Marx’s work is vitally important. In Patriarchy of the Wage, Silvia Federici, bestselling author and the most important Marxist feminist of our era, asks why Marx's crucial analysis of the exploitation of human labor was blind to women’s work and struggle on the terrain of social reproduction. Why was Marx unable to anticipate the profound transformations in the proletarian family that took place at the turn of the nineteenth century creating a new patriarchal regime? Patriarchy of the Wage does more than just redefine classical Marxism. It is an urgent call for a new kind of radical politics.


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SILVIA FEDERICI (1942, Parma) és professora a la Hofstra University de Nova York. Militant feminista des dels anys seixanta del segle XX, va ser una de les principals animadores dels debats internacionals sobre la condició i la remuneració del treball domèstic. Durant la dècada de 1980, va treballar com a professora a Nigèria. Actualment participa en el Midnight Notes Collective. Les seves obres més rellevants són Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (2004) i Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (2012), ambdues editades en castellà per Traficantes de sueños. Caliban i la bruixa esdevé la seva principal obra, ara traduïda al català.
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Patriarchy of the Wage

Notes on Marx, Gender, and Feminism


En estoc

At a time when we are witnessing a worldwide expansion of capitalist relations, a feminist rethinking of Marx’s work is vitally important. In Patriarchy of the Wage, Silvia Federici, bestselling author and the most important Marxist feminist of our era, asks why Marx's crucial analysis of the exploitation of human labor was blind to women’s work and struggle on the terrain of social reproduction. Why was Marx unable to anticipate the profound transformations in the proletarian family that took place at the turn of the nineteenth century creating a new patriarchal regime? Patriarchy of the Wage does more than just redefine classical Marxism. It is an urgent call for a new kind of radical politics.


Editorial: PM Press

ISBN: 9781629637990

152 págs.

SILVIA FEDERICI (1942, Parma) és professora a la Hofstra University de Nova York. Militant feminista des dels anys seixanta del segle XX, va ser una de les principals animadores dels debats internacionals sobre la condició i la remuneració del treball domèstic. Durant la dècada de 1980, va treballar com a professora a Nigèria. Actualment participa en el Midnight Notes Collective. Les seves obres més rellevants són Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (2004) i Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (2012), ambdues editades en castellà per Traficantes de sueños. Caliban i la bruixa esdevé la seva principal obra, ara traduïda al català.
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