Editorial: PM Press

ISBN: 9781629638317

176 págs.

Red Nation Rising

From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation

Red Nation Rising is the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns. Bordertowns are white-dominated towns and cities that operate according to the same political and spatial logics as all other American towns and cities. The difference is that these settlements get their name from their location at the borders of current-day reservation boundaries, which separate the territory of sovereign Native nations from lands claimed by the United States.
Bordertowns came into existence when the first US military forts and trading posts were strategically placed along expanding imperial frontiers to extinguish indigenous resistance and incorporate captured indigenous territories into the burgeoning nation-state. To this day, the US settler state continues to wage violence on Native life and land in these spaces out of desperation to eliminate the threat of Native presence and complete its vision of national consolidation “from sea to shining sea.” This explains why some of the most important Native-led rebellions in US history originated in bordertowns and why they are zones of ongoing confrontation between Native nations and their colonial occupier, the United States.
Despite this rich and important history of political and material struggle, little has been written about bordertowns. Red Nation Rising marks the first effort to tell these entangled histories and inspire a new generation of Native freedom fighters to return to bordertowns as key front lines in the long struggle for Native liberation from US colonial control. This book is a manual for navigating the extreme violence that Native people experience in reservation bordertowns and a manifesto for indigenous liberation that builds on long traditions of Native resistance to bordertown violence.


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Nick Estes Chamberlain Lower Brule Sioux tribuko kidea da. Irakasle-laguntzaile dihardu Mexiko Berriko Unibertsitateko amerikar ikasketen departamentuan. 2014an, The Red Nation erresistentzia-mugimendu indigena antolatu zuen, beste militante natibo eta ez-natibo batzuekin batera, indigenen askapena marxismotik, queer-mugimendutik eta feminismotik jorratzeko. Standing Rockeko #NoDAPL erresistentzia-mugimenduko kidea izan zen, eta Ameriketako historiaren ikerketa-lanak zuzendu ditu Harvard Unibertsitatean. Hau da euskarara ekarritako haren estreinako lana.
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Foreword by Radmilla Cody and Brandon Benallie

Red Nation Rising

From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation


En estoc

Red Nation Rising is the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns. Bordertowns are white-dominated towns and cities that operate according to the same political and spatial logics as all other American towns and cities. The difference is that these settlements get their name from their location at the borders of current-day reservation boundaries, which separate the territory of sovereign Native nations from lands claimed by the United States.
Bordertowns came into existence when the first US military forts and trading posts were strategically placed along expanding imperial frontiers to extinguish indigenous resistance and incorporate captured indigenous territories into the burgeoning nation-state. To this day, the US settler state continues to wage violence on Native life and land in these spaces out of desperation to eliminate the threat of Native presence and complete its vision of national consolidation “from sea to shining sea.” This explains why some of the most important Native-led rebellions in US history originated in bordertowns and why they are zones of ongoing confrontation between Native nations and their colonial occupier, the United States.
Despite this rich and important history of political and material struggle, little has been written about bordertowns. Red Nation Rising marks the first effort to tell these entangled histories and inspire a new generation of Native freedom fighters to return to bordertowns as key front lines in the long struggle for Native liberation from US colonial control. This book is a manual for navigating the extreme violence that Native people experience in reservation bordertowns and a manifesto for indigenous liberation that builds on long traditions of Native resistance to bordertown violence.

Nick Estes Chamberlain Lower Brule Sioux tribuko kidea da. Irakasle-laguntzaile dihardu Mexiko Berriko Unibertsitateko amerikar ikasketen departamentuan. 2014an, The Red Nation erresistentzia-mugimendu indigena antolatu zuen, beste militante natibo eta ez-natibo batzuekin batera, indigenen askapena marxismotik, queer-mugimendutik eta feminismotik jorratzeko. Standing Rockeko #NoDAPL erresistentzia-mugimenduko kidea izan zen, eta Ameriketako historiaren ikerketa-lanak zuzendu ditu Harvard Unibertsitatean. Hau da euskarara ekarritako haren estreinako lana.
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Foreword by Radmilla Cody and Brandon Benallie