África y Oriente Medio

  • A printing of the compilation of anarchist writings about Palestine put together by Seditionist Distribution in the UK.
  • <p>&laquo;Estic dret sobre les ru&iuml;nes d'una casa a la ciutat de Gaza, observant l'horitz&oacute;&raquo;. Aquestes s&oacute;n les paraules inicials d'aquest llibre, finalitzat amb notes de veu mentre Gaza, on viu l'autor, &eacute;s aniquilada. <em>Descolonitzant la ment palestina</em> no tracta del darrer atac israeli&agrave; sobre Gaza. &Eacute;s una cr&iacute;tica aguda als Acords d'Oslo, als territoris creats per l'imperialisme en nom de la soluci&oacute; dels dos Estats. Tamb&eacute; &eacute;s un text, d&rsquo;urg&egrave;ncia, sobre la folkloritzaci&oacute; de la lluita i l'emancipaci&oacute; palestines, que han esdevingut una conducta habitual per part de les organitzacions hist&ograve;riques que lluiten per l'alliberament de Palestina.</p> <p>Haidar Eid es basa en l'obra d'Edward Said, a qui els palestins aprecien per la seva cr&iacute;tica implacable de la seva situaci&oacute;, per fer una crida per un canvi de consci&egrave;ncia. Albira, des de les ru&iuml;nes de Gaza, un nou per&iacute;ode d'amena&ccedil;a sense precedents sobre la cultura, la identitat i el futur del poble palest&iacute;.</p>
  • <p>After the dissolution of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers&rsquo; Party) in 2002, fear and uncertainty about the future of the Kurdish freedom movement threatened to unravel the gains of decades of organizing and armed struggle. From his prison cell, Abdullah &Ouml;calan intervened by penning his most influential work to date: <em>Beyond State, Power, and Violence</em>.</p> <p>With a stunning vision of a freedom movement centered on women&rsquo;s liberation, democracy, and ecology, &Ouml;calan helped reinvigorate the Kurdish freedom movement by providing a revolutionary path forward with what is undoubtedly the furthest-reaching definition of democracy the world has ever seen. Here, for the first time, is the highly anticipated English translation of this monumental work.</p> <p><em>Beyond State, Power, and Violence</em> is a breathtaking reconnaissance into life without the state, an essential portrait of the PKK and the Kurdish freedom movement, and an open blueprint for leftist organizing in the twenty-first century, written by one of the most vitally important political luminaries of today. By carefully analyzing the past and present of the Middle East, &Ouml;calan evaluates concrete prospects for the Kurdish people and arrives with his central proposal: recreate the Kurdish freedom movement along the lines of a new paradigm based on the principles of democratic confederalism and democratic autonomy.</p> <p>His vision of a democratic-ecological society has ushered in a new era for the Kurdish freedom movement while also offering a fresh and indispensable perspective on the global debate about a new socialism. &Ouml;calan&rsquo;s calls for nonhierarchical forms of democratic social organization deserve the careful attention of anyone interested in constructive social thought or rebuilding society along feminist and ecological lines.</p>
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