
  • Una vívida crónica del asedio de la ciudad ucraniana de Mariúpol, que duró 86 días. El ejemplo de la guerra moderna.
  • Gilles de Rais fue el culmen más tenebroso del caldo de cultivo feudal de la época, de esa mentalidad clasista y avasalladora llevada al límite.
  • Yugoslavia

    Through articles, public talks, and correspondence, Chomsky addresses some of the crucial political and social issues affecting both the Balkans and the international community.
  • An exploration of Makhno’s sympathy for the downtrodden, the trap of heroism, his improbable victories, unlikely friendships, and his alarming lack of gun safety in meetings.
  • Fire and Flames was the first comprehensive study of the German autonomous movement ever published. Released in 1990, it reached its fifth edition by 1997, with the legendary German Konkret journal concluding that “the movement had produced its own classic.
  • <p>The S&aacute;mi, who have inhabited Europe&rsquo;s far north for thousands of years, are often referred to as the continent&rsquo;s &ldquo;forgotten people.&rdquo; With S&aacute;pmi, their traditional homeland, divided between four nation-states&mdash;Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia&mdash;the S&aacute;mi have experienced the profound oppression and discrimination that characterize the fate of indigenous people worldwide: their lands have been confiscated, their beliefs and values attacked, their communities and families torn apart. Yet the S&aacute;mi have shown incredible resilience, defending their identity and their territories and retaining an important social and ecological voice&mdash;even if many, progressives and leftists included, refuse to listen.</p> <p><em>Liberating S&aacute;pmi</em> is a stunning journey through S&aacute;pmi and includes in-depth interviews with S&aacute;mi artists, activists, and scholars boldly standing up for the rights of their people. In this beautifully illustrated work, Gabriel Kuhn, author of over a dozen books and our most fascinating interpreter of global social justice movements, aims to raise awareness of the ongoing fight of the S&aacute;mi for justice and self-determination.</p> <p>The first accessible English-language introduction to the history of the S&aacute;mi people and the first account that focuses on their political resistance, this provocative work gives irrefutable evidence of the important role the S&aacute;mi play in the resistance of indigenous people against an economic and political system whose power to destroy all life on earth has reached a scale unprecedented in the history of humanity. The book contains interviews with Mari Boine, Harald Gaski, Ann-Kristin H&aring;kansson, Aslak Holmberg, Maxida M&auml;rak, Stefan Mikaelsson, May-Britt &Ouml;hman, Synn&oslash;ve Persen, &Oslash;yvind Ravna, Niillas Somby, Anders Sunna, and Suvi West.</p>
  • <p>Blekingegade is a quiet Copenhagen street. It is also where, in May 1989, the police discovered an apartment that had served Denmark&rsquo;s most notorious twentieth-century bank robbers as a hideaway for years. The Blekingegade Group members belonged to a communist organization and lived modest lives in the Danish capital. Over a period of almost two decades, they sent millions of dollars acquired in spectacular heists to Third World liberation movements, in particular the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In May 1991, seven of them were convicted and went to prison.</p> <p>The story of the Blekingegade Group is one of the most puzzling and captivating chapters from the European anti-imperialist milieu of the 1970s and &rsquo;80s. Turning Money into Rebellion: The Unlikely Story of Denmark&rsquo;s Revolutionary Bank Robbers is the first-ever account of the story in English, covering a fascinating journey from anti-war demonstrations in the late 1960s via travels to Middle Eastern capitals and African refugee camps to the group&rsquo;s fateful last robbery that earned them a record haul and left a police officer dead.</p> <p>The book includes historical documents, illustrations, and an exclusive interview with Torkil Lauesen and Jan Weimann, two of the group&rsquo;s longest-standing members. It is a compelling tale of turning radical theory into action and concerns analysis and strategy as much as morality and political practice. Perhaps most importantly, it revolves around the cardinal question of revolutionary politics: What to do, and how to do it?</p>
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