Lucha armada

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    Este libro ofrece una mirada privilegiada a la sarcástica personalidad del Subcomandante Marcos, a las muchas dificultades de la vida en la montaña y, principalmente, a las motivaciones y objetivos del movimiento indígena más importante del México moderno.
  • Schiller was an early member of the Red Army Faction and her story recounts her experiences with the group from founding to her eventual prison sentence.
  • This book gives an account of the history and the present situation of the Canton of Afrin along with interviews with the inhabitants.
  • Fire and Flames was the first comprehensive study of the German autonomous movement ever published. Released in 1990, it reached its fifth edition by 1997, with the legendary German Konkret journal concluding that “the movement had produced its own classic.
  • El MIL

    El MIL: Una historia política es el libro de referencia sobre el Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación y la figura de Salvador Puig Antich
  • <p>The Austromarxist era of the 1920s was a unique chapter in socialist history. Trying to carve out a road between reformism and Bolshevism, the Austromarxists embarked on an ambitious journey towards a socialist oasis in the midst of capitalism. Their showpiece, the legendary &ldquo;Red Vienna,&rdquo; has worked as a model for socialist urban planning ever since. At the heart of the Austromarxist experiment was the conviction that a socialist revolution had to entail a cultural one. Numerous workers&rsquo; institutions and organizations were founded, from education centers to theaters to hiking associations. With the Fascist threat increasing, the physical aspects of the cultural revolution became ever more central as they were considered mandatory for effective defense.</p> <p>At no other time in socialist history did armed struggle, sports, and sobriety become as intertwined in a proletarian attempt to protect socialist achievements as they did in Austria in the early 1930s. Despite the final defeat of the workers&rsquo; militias in the Austrian Civil War of 1934 and subsequent Fascist rule, the Austromarxist struggle holds important lessons for socialist theory and practice.</p> <p><em>Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety</em> contains an introductory essay by Gabriel Kuhn and selected writings by Julius Deutsch, leader of the workers&rsquo; militias, president of the Socialist Workers&rsquo; Sport International, and a prominent spokesperson for the Austrian workers&rsquo; temperance movement. Deutsch represented the physical defense of the working class against its enemies like few others. His texts in this book are being made available in English for the first time.</p>
  • <p>Blekingegade is a quiet Copenhagen street. It is also where, in May 1989, the police discovered an apartment that had served Denmark&rsquo;s most notorious twentieth-century bank robbers as a hideaway for years. The Blekingegade Group members belonged to a communist organization and lived modest lives in the Danish capital. Over a period of almost two decades, they sent millions of dollars acquired in spectacular heists to Third World liberation movements, in particular the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In May 1991, seven of them were convicted and went to prison.</p> <p>The story of the Blekingegade Group is one of the most puzzling and captivating chapters from the European anti-imperialist milieu of the 1970s and &rsquo;80s. Turning Money into Rebellion: The Unlikely Story of Denmark&rsquo;s Revolutionary Bank Robbers is the first-ever account of the story in English, covering a fascinating journey from anti-war demonstrations in the late 1960s via travels to Middle Eastern capitals and African refugee camps to the group&rsquo;s fateful last robbery that earned them a record haul and left a police officer dead.</p> <p>The book includes historical documents, illustrations, and an exclusive interview with Torkil Lauesen and Jan Weimann, two of the group&rsquo;s longest-standing members. It is a compelling tale of turning radical theory into action and concerns analysis and strategy as much as morality and political practice. Perhaps most importantly, it revolves around the cardinal question of revolutionary politics: What to do, and how to do it?</p>
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