
  • <p>Exploring open relationships and non-monogamy from the perspective of green anarchism. Anarchism &amp; Polyamory is a collection of essays and articles, many new (but a few oldies), designed to be accessible to those new to both anarchism and polyamory. It is examines personal and sexual relationships through the prism of anarchism, including considering some common pitfalls and how society&rsquo;s hierarchies are reinforced in personal relationships. The authors are wide ranging, mixing both past and present from Europe and the US, many talking from their own experience.</p>
  • <p>El tercer volum del Llibre Negre inclou textos de 2000 a 2018. Aquests textos s&oacute;n Josep Maria Reguant, les Joventuts Anarco Independentistes, la Xarxa de Lluites Independentistes Llibert&agrave;ries, Gerard Horta, la Lliga Anticolonial, la Confederaci&oacute; General del Treball de Catalunya, el Col&middot;lectiu Negres Tempestes, Catarko del Prat, Jordi Mart&iacute; Font, La Rosa dels Vents, I&ntilde;aki Aicart, Llu&iacute;s M. Xirinacs i Damians, el Bloc Negre, el Bloc Raret d&rsquo;Alacant, el Col&middot;lectiu L&rsquo;Ullal del Pa&iacute;s Valenci&agrave;, M&ograve;nica Ferrer Cano de la FEL-UAB, David Pujol i Mulet, Jordi Bonet Mart&iacute;, Ferran Aisa, Pablo Molano Romero, Enric Casasses, la Subcomandant J&uacute;lia Mart&iacute;nez, Ivan Mir&oacute;, Txema Bofill, Cultura Obrera, Xavier Diez, Raimundo Viejo, Els Surfing Sirles, la Coordinadora Llibert&agrave;ria de Mallorca, el Grup de Reflexi&oacute; per a l&rsquo;Autonomia (GRA), Roger Pal&agrave;, Carlos Taibo, Roger Pel&agrave;ez, La Ratlla per Catalunya, V&iacute;ctor A., Un Company Llibertari de Barcelona, Quim Garreta, l&rsquo;Assemblea Llibert&agrave;ria de la UAB, la CGT Baix Camp-Priorat, l&rsquo;Ateneu Llibertari de Reus, el SP del Comit&egrave; Confederal de CGT Catalunya, Jordi Garcia, Anarquistes de Val&egrave;ncia, Joan Carles Gelabert&oacute;, N&uacute;ria Comerma i Cortada, David Algarra,la Federaci&oacute; Anarquista de Catalunya, el SP de la Federaci&oacute; Intercomarcal de CGT Tarragona, el Sindicat d&rsquo;Olot de la CNT, la Secci&oacute; Sindical CGT Ajuntament de Barcelona, CNT-Catalunya, Heura Negra, CNT Catalunya i Balears, Oca Negra, Solidaritat Obrera, Santiago L&oacute;pez Petit, Josep Garcia V&aacute;zquez, Ermengol Gassiot, Una posici&oacute;, Emili Cortavitarte, Manel Aisa, Joni D, Enric Duran i Giralt, Miguel G. G&oacute;mez i Laia Vidal.</p>
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