
Ascona es el relato que hace Erich Mühsam de este enclave junto al lago Maggiore donde se experimentaron, desde el último tercio del siglo XIX hasta los años 20 del siglo XX, otras formas de vida y donde se dieron cita todas las utopías. Mühsam llega a Ascona en compañía de su amigo Johanes Nohl, en 1905 se instala en «Monte Verità», colonia ético-social-vegetariana-comunista, y describe aquel universo.



Erich Mühsam (1878–1934), poet, bohemian, revolutionary, is one of Germany’s most renowned and influential anarchists. Born into a middle-class Jewish family, he challenged the conventions of bourgeois society at the turn of the century, engaged in heated debates on the rights of women and homosexuals, and traveled Europe in search of radical communes and artist colonies. He was a primary instigator of the ill-fated Bavarian Council Republic in 1919, and held the libertarian banner high during a Weimar Republic that came under increasing threat by right-wing forces. In 1933, four weeks after Hitler’s ascension to power, Mühsam was arrested in his Berlin home. He spent the last sixteen months of his life in detention and died in the Oranienburg Concentration Camp in July 1934.
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Ascona es el relato que hace Erich Mühsam de este enclave junto al lago Maggiore donde se experimentaron, desde el último tercio del siglo XIX hasta los años 20 del siglo XX, otras formas de vida y donde se dieron cita todas las utopías. Mühsam llega a Ascona en compañía de su amigo Johanes Nohl, en 1905 se instala en «Monte Verità», colonia ético-social-vegetariana-comunista, y describe aquel universo.

Erich Mühsam (1878–1934), poet, bohemian, revolutionary, is one of Germany’s most renowned and influential anarchists. Born into a middle-class Jewish family, he challenged the conventions of bourgeois society at the turn of the century, engaged in heated debates on the rights of women and homosexuals, and traveled Europe in search of radical communes and artist colonies. He was a primary instigator of the ill-fated Bavarian Council Republic in 1919, and held the libertarian banner high during a Weimar Republic that came under increasing threat by right-wing forces. In 1933, four weeks after Hitler’s ascension to power, Mühsam was arrested in his Berlin home. He spent the last sixteen months of his life in detention and died in the Oranienburg Concentration Camp in July 1934.
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