Editorial: PM Press

ISBN: 9781629635699

256 págs.

Idioma: English


Re-enchanting the World

Feminism and the Politics of the Commons

Silvia Federici is one of the most important contemporary theorists of capitalism and feminist movements. In this collection of her work spanning over twenty years, she provides a detailed history and critique of the politics of the commons from a feminist perspective.

In her clear and combative voice, Federici provides readers with an analysis of some of the key issues and debates in contemporary thinking on this subject. Drawing on rich historical research, she maps the connections between the previous forms of enclosure that occurred with the birth of capitalism and the destruction of the commons and the “new enclosures” at the heart of the present phase of global capitalist accumulation. Considering the commons from a feminist perspective, this collection centers on women and reproductive work as crucial to both our economic survival and the construction of a world free from the hierarchies and divisions capital has planted in the body of the world proletariat.

Federici is clear that the commons should not be understood as happy islands in a sea of exploitative relations but rather autonomous spaces from which to challenge the existing capitalist organization of life and labor.


Hay existencias

Hay existencias


SILVIA FEDERICI (1942, Parma) és professora a la Hofstra University de Nova York. Militant feminista des dels anys seixanta del segle XX, va ser una de les principals animadores dels debats internacionals sobre la condició i la remuneració del treball domèstic. Durant la dècada de 1980, va treballar com a professora a Nigèria. Actualment participa en el Midnight Notes Collective. Les seves obres més rellevants són Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (2004) i Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (2012), ambdues editades en castellà per Traficantes de sueños. Caliban i la bruixa esdevé la seva principal obra, ara traduïda al català.
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Foreword: Peter Linebaugh

Re-enchanting the World

Feminism and the Politics of the Commons


Hay existencias

Hay existencias

Silvia Federici is one of the most important contemporary theorists of capitalism and feminist movements. In this collection of her work spanning over twenty years, she provides a detailed history and critique of the politics of the commons from a feminist perspective.

In her clear and combative voice, Federici provides readers with an analysis of some of the key issues and debates in contemporary thinking on this subject. Drawing on rich historical research, she maps the connections between the previous forms of enclosure that occurred with the birth of capitalism and the destruction of the commons and the “new enclosures” at the heart of the present phase of global capitalist accumulation. Considering the commons from a feminist perspective, this collection centers on women and reproductive work as crucial to both our economic survival and the construction of a world free from the hierarchies and divisions capital has planted in the body of the world proletariat.

Federici is clear that the commons should not be understood as happy islands in a sea of exploitative relations but rather autonomous spaces from which to challenge the existing capitalist organization of life and labor.


Editorial: PM Press

ISBN: 9781629635699

256 págs.

Idioma: English


SILVIA FEDERICI (1942, Parma) és professora a la Hofstra University de Nova York. Militant feminista des dels anys seixanta del segle XX, va ser una de les principals animadores dels debats internacionals sobre la condició i la remuneració del treball domèstic. Durant la dècada de 1980, va treballar com a professora a Nigèria. Actualment participa en el Midnight Notes Collective. Les seves obres més rellevants són Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (2004) i Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (2012), ambdues editades en castellà per Traficantes de sueños. Caliban i la bruixa esdevé la seva principal obra, ara traduïda al català.
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Foreword: Peter Linebaugh