Liberación nacional

  • Una reivindicació de la figura de Josep Anselm Clavé, en el bicentenari del seu naixement
  • A printing of the compilation of anarchist writings about Palestine put together by Seditionist Distribution in the UK.
  • <p>&laquo;Estic dret sobre les ru&iuml;nes d'una casa a la ciutat de Gaza, observant l'horitz&oacute;&raquo;. Aquestes s&oacute;n les paraules inicials d'aquest llibre, finalitzat amb notes de veu mentre Gaza, on viu l'autor, &eacute;s aniquilada. <em>Descolonitzant la ment palestina</em> no tracta del darrer atac israeli&agrave; sobre Gaza. &Eacute;s una cr&iacute;tica aguda als Acords d'Oslo, als territoris creats per l'imperialisme en nom de la soluci&oacute; dels dos Estats. Tamb&eacute; &eacute;s un text, d&rsquo;urg&egrave;ncia, sobre la folkloritzaci&oacute; de la lluita i l'emancipaci&oacute; palestines, que han esdevingut una conducta habitual per part de les organitzacions hist&ograve;riques que lluiten per l'alliberament de Palestina.</p> <p>Haidar Eid es basa en l'obra d'Edward Said, a qui els palestins aprecien per la seva cr&iacute;tica implacable de la seva situaci&oacute;, per fer una crida per un canvi de consci&egrave;ncia. Albira, des de les ru&iuml;nes de Gaza, un nou per&iacute;ode d'amena&ccedil;a sense precedents sobre la cultura, la identitat i el futur del poble palest&iacute;.</p>
  • <p>The S&aacute;mi, who have inhabited Europe&rsquo;s far north for thousands of years, are often referred to as the continent&rsquo;s &ldquo;forgotten people.&rdquo; With S&aacute;pmi, their traditional homeland, divided between four nation-states&mdash;Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia&mdash;the S&aacute;mi have experienced the profound oppression and discrimination that characterize the fate of indigenous people worldwide: their lands have been confiscated, their beliefs and values attacked, their communities and families torn apart. Yet the S&aacute;mi have shown incredible resilience, defending their identity and their territories and retaining an important social and ecological voice&mdash;even if many, progressives and leftists included, refuse to listen.</p> <p><em>Liberating S&aacute;pmi</em> is a stunning journey through S&aacute;pmi and includes in-depth interviews with S&aacute;mi artists, activists, and scholars boldly standing up for the rights of their people. In this beautifully illustrated work, Gabriel Kuhn, author of over a dozen books and our most fascinating interpreter of global social justice movements, aims to raise awareness of the ongoing fight of the S&aacute;mi for justice and self-determination.</p> <p>The first accessible English-language introduction to the history of the S&aacute;mi people and the first account that focuses on their political resistance, this provocative work gives irrefutable evidence of the important role the S&aacute;mi play in the resistance of indigenous people against an economic and political system whose power to destroy all life on earth has reached a scale unprecedented in the history of humanity. The book contains interviews with Mari Boine, Harald Gaski, Ann-Kristin H&aring;kansson, Aslak Holmberg, Maxida M&auml;rak, Stefan Mikaelsson, May-Britt &Ouml;hman, Synn&oslash;ve Persen, &Oslash;yvind Ravna, Niillas Somby, Anders Sunna, and Suvi West.</p>
  • <p>The first collection of its kind, this anthology by members of the Mohawk Warrior Society uncovers a hidden history and paints a bold portrait of the spectacular experience of Kanien'keh&aacute;:ka survival and self-defense. Providing extensive documentation, context, and analysis, the book features foundational writings by prolific visual artist and polemicist Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall (1918&ndash;1993)&mdash;such as his landmark 1979 pamphlet <em>The Warrior&rsquo;s Handbook</em>, as well as selections of his pioneering artwork.</p> <p>This book contains new oral history by key figures of the Rotisken'rhak&eacute;hte's revival in the 1970s and tells the story of the Warriors&rsquo; famous flag, their armed occupation of Ganienkeh in 1974, and the role of their constitution, the Great Peace, in guiding their commitment to freedom and independence. We hear directly the story of how the Kanien'keh&aacute;:ka Longhouse became one the most militant resistance groups in North America, gaining international attention with the Oka Crisis of 1990.</p> <p>This autohistory of the Rotisken'rhak&eacute;hte is complemented by a Mohawk history timeline from colonization to the present, a glossary of Mohawk political philosophy, and a new map of Iroquoia in Mohawk language. At last, the Mohawk Warriors can tell their own story with their own voices, and to serve as an example and inspiration for future generations struggling against the environmental, cultural, and social devastation cast upon the modern world.</p>
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