
  • Wielding Words like Weapons is a collection of acclaimed American Indian Movement activist-intellectual Ward Churchill’s essays in indigenism, selected from material written during the decade 1995-€“2005.
  • This long-anticipated anthology explores the foundations of Cooperation Jackson’s successful campaigns.
  • Free City!

    The story of the five years of organizing that turned a seemingly hopeless defensive fight into a victory for the most progressive free college measure in the US.
  • The Explosion of Deferred Dreams offers a critical re-examination of the interwoven political and musical happenings in San Francisco in the Sixties.
  • This inspiring tale recounts Jon Melrod’s thirteen-year journey to harness working-class militancy and jump start a revolution on the shop floor of American Motors.
  • Camp knifes his way through the jungle of fake news, alternative facts, mainstream media lies, and government blackouts.
  • The history, material culture, mores, and lifeways of the Caucasian Americans have often been discussed but rarely comprehended. Until now.
  • Accompanying distinguishes two strategies of social change, “organizing” and “accompaniment,” and applies them to five social movements.
  • The first in-depth study of how various communities and activist organizations are resisting such efforts by integrating digital media activism into their actions against state surveillance and repression and for a better world.
  • About Face

    The long tradition of refusing to fight in unjust wars continues today within the American military. Today’s resisters speak out in this powerful book.
  • La discusión sobre el concepto de «capitalismo político» se ha convertido en un debate estratégico acerca de la crisis de la acumulación capitalista y las consecuencias que la misma tiene a la hora de entender la lucha de clases hoy en día.
  • <p>The first collection of its kind, this anthology by members of the Mohawk Warrior Society uncovers a hidden history and paints a bold portrait of the spectacular experience of Kanien'keh&aacute;:ka survival and self-defense. Providing extensive documentation, context, and analysis, the book features foundational writings by prolific visual artist and polemicist Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall (1918&ndash;1993)&mdash;such as his landmark 1979 pamphlet <em>The Warrior&rsquo;s Handbook</em>, as well as selections of his pioneering artwork.</p> <p>This book contains new oral history by key figures of the Rotisken'rhak&eacute;hte's revival in the 1970s and tells the story of the Warriors&rsquo; famous flag, their armed occupation of Ganienkeh in 1974, and the role of their constitution, the Great Peace, in guiding their commitment to freedom and independence. We hear directly the story of how the Kanien'keh&aacute;:ka Longhouse became one the most militant resistance groups in North America, gaining international attention with the Oka Crisis of 1990.</p> <p>This autohistory of the Rotisken'rhak&eacute;hte is complemented by a Mohawk history timeline from colonization to the present, a glossary of Mohawk political philosophy, and a new map of Iroquoia in Mohawk language. At last, the Mohawk Warriors can tell their own story with their own voices, and to serve as an example and inspiration for future generations struggling against the environmental, cultural, and social devastation cast upon the modern world.</p>
  • <p>With his blue mohawk and ragged leather jacket, Alex Damage fits into only a small pocket of 1981 Los Angeles: the dynamic, changing punk scene. In this world, he survives on favors and reputation as a small-time private investigator, but when a young woman hires him to solve the potential murder of the singer of one of his favorite local bands, everything in his life amps up.</p> <p>As he digs deeper into what really happened, Alex must both seek out and dodge an endless array of dangerously powerful drug dealers, aging porn stars, crooked cops, neo-Nazi skinheads, and shadowy, corrupt politicians. The deeper he gets&mdash;and the more punishment his body takes and the more he begins to fall for the woman who hired him&mdash;the more determined he becomes to follow the trail to its conclusion. In the end, the truth is far more complicated than Alex had thought: not only about the murder and the victim&rsquo;s unsavory private life but also about Alex&rsquo;s own past behaviors and attitudes.</p> <p>Meticulously researched and drawing from memoirs, zines, and documentaries, Alex Damage&rsquo;s story comes to life with real hangouts and shows from LA in 1981, which makes the book immersive for the people who were there as well as those who wish they could have been.</p>
  • Queercore

    <p><em>Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution: An Oral History</em> is the very first comprehensive overview of a movement that defied both the music underground and the LGBT mainstream community. Through exclusive interviews with protagonists like Bruce LaBruce, G.B. Jones, Jayne County, Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, film director and author John Waters, Lynn Breedlove of Tribe 8, Jon Ginoli of Pansy Division, and many more, alongside a treasure trove of never-before-seen photographs and reprinted zines from the time, <em>Queercore </em>traces the history of a scene originally &ldquo;fabricated&rdquo; in the bedrooms and coffee shops of Toronto and San Francisco by a few young, queer punks to its emergence as a relevant and real revolution.</p> <p><em>Queercore </em>is a down-to-details firsthand account of the movement explored by the people that lived it&mdash;from punk&rsquo;s early queer elements, to the moment that Toronto kids decided they needed to create a scene that didn&rsquo;t exist, to Pansy Division's infiltration of the mainstream, and the emergence of riot grrrl&mdash;as well as the clothes, zines, art, film, and music that made this movement an exciting middle finger to complacent gay and straight society.</p> <p><em>Queercore </em>will stand as both a testament to radically gay politics and culture and an important reference for those who wish to better understand this explosive movement.</p>
  • <p>In the summer of 2020, America experienced one of the biggest uprisings in half a century. After George Floyd&rsquo;s murder at the hands of Minneapolis police, angry crowds took to the streets night after night, fighting the police, looting, and eventually burning down the Third Precinct. The revolt soon spread to cities large and small across the country, where rioters set police cars on fire, sacked luxury shopping districts, and forced the president into hiding in a bunker beneath the White House. Throughout the summer and into the fall, localized rebellions continued to erupt in Atlanta, Chicago, Kenosha, Louisville, Philadelphia, and elsewhere.</p> <p>Written during the riots, <em>The George Floyd Uprising</em> is a compendium of the most radical writing to come out of that long, hot summer. These incendiary dispatches&mdash;from those on the front lines of the struggle&mdash;examine the new horizons opened by the revolt, as well as the social, tactical, and strategic obstacles it confronted. This practical, inspiring collection offers a toolbox for all those actively seeking to expand and intensify revolts in the future, and it is essential reading for everyone interested in toppling the state, racism, and capitalism.</p>
  • <p>Mississippi is the poorest state in the US, with the highest percentage of Black people and a history of vicious racial terror. Black resistance at a time of global health, economic, and climate crisis is the backdrop and context for the drama captured in this new and revised collection of essays.</p> <p>Cooperation Jackson, founded in 2014 in Mississippi&rsquo;s capital to develop an economically uplifting democratic &ldquo;solidarity economy,&rdquo; is anchored by a network of worker-owned, self-managed cooperative enterprises. The organization developed in the context of the historic election of radical Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, lifetime human rights attorney. Subsequent to Lumumba&rsquo;s passing less than one year after assuming office, the network developed projects both inside and outside of the formal political arena. In 2020, Cooperation Jackson became the center for national and international coalition efforts, bringing together progressive peoples from diverse trade union, youth, church, and cultural movements.</p> <p>This long-anticipated anthology details the foundations behind those successful campaigns. It unveils new and ongoing strategies and methods being pursued by the movement for grassroots-centered Black community control and self-determination, inspiring partnership and emulation across the globe.</p>
  • <p>Portland, Oregon, 1988: the brutal murder of Ethiopian immigrant Mulugeta Seraw by racist skinheads shocked the city. In response disparate groups quickly came together to organize against white nationalist violence and right-wing organizing throughout the Rose City and the Pacific Northwest. <em>It Did Happen Here</em> compiles interviews with dozens of people who worked together during the waning decades of the twentieth century to reveal an inspiring collaboration between groups of immigrants, civil rights activists, militant youth, and queer organizers.</p> <p>This oral history focuses on participants in three core groups: the Portland chapters of Anti-Racist Action and Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice, and the Coalition for Human Dignity. Using a diversity of tactics&mdash;from out-and-out brawls on the streets and at punk shows, to behind-the-scenes intelligence gathering&mdash;brave antiracists unified on their home ground over and over, directly attacking right-wing fascists and exposing white nationalist organizations and neo-Nazi skinheads. Embattled by police and unsupported by the city, these citizen activists eventually drove the boneheads out of the music scene and off the streets of Portland. This book shares their stories about what worked, what didn&rsquo;t, and ideas on how to continue the fight.</p>
  • The Blast

    <p>San Francisco, 1916. The streets roiling: pitched battles between radical workers and the henchmen of industrial barons, and between a vibrant, largely Italian immigrant anarchist milieu and the forces of state and church. All in the looming shadow of Europe&rsquo;s raging war, and of a fierce struggle over whether the U.S. should commit its might, and human fodder, to the slaughter in the trenches.</p> <p>Into this maelstrom arrives Kate Jameson, a novice envoy from Washington tasked to secretly investigate the tenor of support for war entry among San Francisco&rsquo;s business elite. She&rsquo;s also hoping to glimpse her wayward daughter, Maggie, whose last message to Kate had come from there. And, too, she&rsquo;s seeking the ghost of her husband Jamey, who fifteen years earlier had landed there upon his return, shattered, from his part in the U.S. occupation of the Philippines.</p> <p>Arriving back in the city at the same moment is Baldo Cavanaugh, a Sicilian-Irish son of San Francisco whose militant beliefs and special skills have led him time and again to the violent extremes of the city&rsquo;s turbulent history. And who now must confront the doubts and demons of his own character, which he&rsquo;d sought to escape by fleeing the city three years before.</p> <p>This stunning tale explores how these two seemingly disparate characters become engaged with the city&rsquo;s and nation&rsquo;s turmoil, and with the complexities of their related pasts in Boston, Dublin, London, Cuba, and the Philippines. A vivid picture of a city and a moment, the novel brilliantly reveals the explosive admixture of the deeply personal and the deeply political.</p>
  • <p>What does it mean to risk all for your beliefs? How do you fight an enemy in your midst? <em>We Go Where They Go</em> recounts the thrilling story of a massive forgotten youth movement that set the stage for today's anti-fascist organizing in North America.</p> <p>When skinheads and punks in the late 1980s found their communities invaded by white supremacists and neo-nazis, they fought back. Influenced by anarchism, feminism, Black liberation, and Indigenous sovereignty, they created Anti-Racist Action. At ARA&rsquo;s height in the 1990s, thousands of dedicated activists in hundreds of chapters joined the fights&mdash;political and sometimes physical&mdash;against nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, anti-abortion fundamentalists, and racist police. Before media pundits, cynical politicians, and your uncle discovered &ldquo;antifa,&rdquo; Anti-Racist Action was bringing it to the streets.</p> <p>Based on extensive interviews with dozens of ARA participants, <em>We Go Where They Go</em> tells ARA&rsquo;s story from within, giving voice to those who risked their safety in their own defense and in solidarity with others. In reproducing the posters, zines, propaganda, and photos of the movement itself, this essential work of radical history illustrates how cultural scenes can become powerful forces for change. Here at last is the story of an organic yet highly organized movement, exploring both its triumphs and failures, and offering valuable lessons for today&rsquo;s generation of activists and rabble-rousers. <em>We Go Where They Go</em> is a page-turning history of grassroots anti-racism.</p>
  • <p>No one is immune to the byproducts of compulsory schooling and standardized testing. And while reform may be a worthy cause for some, it is not enough for countless others still trying to navigate the tyranny of what schooling has always been. <em>Raising Free People</em> argues that we need to build and work within systems truly designed for any human to learn, grow, socialize, and thrive, regardless of age, ability, background, or access to money.</p> <p>Families and conscious organizations across the world are healing generations of school wounds by pivoting into self-directed, intentional community-building, and <em>Raising Free People</em> shows you exactly how unschooling can help facilitate this process. Individual experiences influence our approach to parenting and education, so we need more than the rules, tools, and &ldquo;bad adult&rdquo; guilt trips found in so many parenting and education books. We need to reach behind our behaviors to seek and find our triggers; to examine and interrupt the ways that social issues such as colonization still wreak havoc on our ability to trust ourselves, let alone children.</p> <p><em>Raising Free People</em> explores examples of the transition from school or homeschooling to unschooling, how single parents and people facing financial challenges unschool successfully, and the ways unschooling allows us to address generational trauma and unlearn the habits we mindlessly pass on to children. In these detailed and unabashed stories and insights, Richards examines the ways that her relationships to blackness, decolonization, and healing work all combine to form relationships and enable community-healing strategies rooted in an unschooling practice. This is how millions of families center human connection, practice clear and honest communication, and raise children who do not grow up to feel that they narrowly survived their childhoods.</p>
  • <p><em>Red Nation Rising</em> is the first book ever to investigate and explain the violent dynamics of bordertowns. Bordertowns are white-dominated towns and cities that operate according to the same political and spatial logics as all other American towns and cities. The difference is that these settlements get their name from their location at the borders of current-day reservation boundaries, which separate the territory of sovereign Native nations from lands claimed by the United States.</p> <p>Bordertowns came into existence when the first US military forts and trading posts were strategically placed along expanding imperial frontiers to extinguish indigenous resistance and incorporate captured indigenous territories into the burgeoning nation-state. To this day, the US settler state continues to wage violence on Native life and land in these spaces out of desperation to eliminate the threat of Native presence and complete its vision of national consolidation &ldquo;from sea to shining sea.&rdquo; This explains why some of the most important Native-led rebellions in US history originated in bordertowns and why they are zones of ongoing confrontation between Native nations and their colonial occupier, the United States.</p> <p>Despite this rich and important history of political and material struggle, little has been written about bordertowns. <em>Red Nation Rising</em> marks the first effort to tell these entangled histories and inspire a new generation of Native freedom fighters to return to bordertowns as key front lines in the long struggle for Native liberation from US colonial control. This book is a manual for navigating the extreme violence that Native people experience in reservation bordertowns and a manifesto for indigenous liberation that builds on long traditions of Native resistance to bordertown violence.</p>
  • <p>James Baldwin ens adverteix, amb convicci&oacute;, claredat i passi&oacute;, de la urg&egrave;ncia de combatre el racisme, en una obra plenament vigent sis d&egrave;cades despr&eacute;s de la publicaci&oacute; original. En el primer dels dos assaigs que componen l&rsquo;obra, &laquo;El meu calab&oacute;s trontoll&agrave;: Carta al meu nebot en el primer centenari de l&rsquo;Emancipaci&oacute;&raquo;, Baldwin fa una exposici&oacute; atenta i determinada sobre qu&egrave; vol dir ser negre als Estats Units i explica la l&ograve;gica perversa del racisme americ&agrave;.</p> <p>&laquo;Al peu de la creu: Carta escrita des d&rsquo;una regi&oacute; del meu pensament&raquo; narra el seu viatge espiritual per l&rsquo;Esgl&eacute;sia despr&eacute;s d&rsquo;una crisi de fe als catorze anys i la seva trobada amb Elijah Muhammad, el l&iacute;der de la Naci&oacute; de l&rsquo;Islam; o les seves reflexions sobre la figura i el pensament de Malcolm X. De principi a fi, Baldwin ens urgeix a confrontar-nos amb les institucions opressives de la ra&ccedil;a, la religi&oacute; i la condici&oacute; de naci&oacute; mateixa, i insisteix que la resist&egrave;ncia compartida entre negres i blancs &eacute;s l&rsquo;&uacute;nic cam&iacute; per tirar endavant.</p> <p>De la mateixa manera que &eacute;s un balan&ccedil; del passat racista d&rsquo;Am&egrave;rica, 'La pr&ograve;xima vegada, el foc' tamb&eacute; &eacute;s una crida alta i clara a preocupar-se, tenir valentia i amor, i una llum per al cam&iacute;.Una reflexi&oacute; commovedora i &iacute;ntima sobre la naturalesa de la ra&ccedil;a i la naci&oacute; nord-americana que ha inspirat generacions d&rsquo;escriptors i pensadors, publicada per primera vegada el 1963, el mateix any que la Marxa sobre Washington.</p>
  • Trumpismos

    <p>100 a&ntilde;os despu&eacute;s de la Marcha sobre Roma, Georgia Meloni lleg&oacute; al poder en Italia. Casi 90 a&ntilde;os tras el incendio del Reichstag, ante el asombro de medio mundo, el Capitolio de Estados Unidos era asaltado por una turba de partidarios de Trump. 85 a&ntilde;os despu&eacute;s de la noche de los cristales rotos, cientos de bolsonaristas ocupaban el parlamento brasile&ntilde;o neg&aacute;ndose a aceptar el resultado electoral. Y m&aacute;s de 78 a&ntilde;os despu&eacute;s de la victoria contra el nazi-fascismo en la Segunda Guerra Mundial asistimos a una verdadera eclosi&oacute;n global de las derechas radicales. Todo ello nos plantea algunas preguntas inquietantes: &iquest;Por qu&eacute;? &iquest;Qu&eacute; est&aacute; detr&aacute;s de esta emergencia global reaccionaria? Y, sobre todo, &iquest;se puede reeditar una suerte de totalitarismo neofascista en pleno siglo XXI?</p> <p>Este libro analiza en toda su complejidad la nueva ola de autoritarismo reaccionario &ndash;de Trump a Milei&ndash; que se ha ido extendiendo en gran parte del mundo estos &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os. Para ello, parte del an&aacute;lisis de la crisis de largo aliento que sufre el capitalismo que, conjugado con la emergencia clim&aacute;tica, configura un c&oacute;ctel perfecto de malestar social. Para sorpresa de muchos, en especial de las izquierdas, este malestar se ha manifestado en una rebeli&oacute;n reaccionaria. La extrema derecha ha conseguido en los &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os llegar al gobierno en gran parte de los grandes pa&iacute;ses&nbsp; del mundo y todav&iacute;a hoy sigue cosechando numerosos &eacute;xitos electorales.</p> <p><em>Trumpismos</em> no solo pretende aportar un riguroso an&aacute;lisis de las causas, caracter&iacute;sticas y actores de la derecha radical mundial, sino tambi&eacute;n nos trae claves y propuestas para poder combatirla. Pretende ser, en definitiva, una herramienta indispensable para encarar las batallas que vendr&aacute;n contra la internacional reaccionaria.</p>
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