Pedagogía y educación

  • <p>No one is immune to the byproducts of compulsory schooling and standardized testing. And while reform may be a worthy cause for some, it is not enough for countless others still trying to navigate the tyranny of what schooling has always been. <em>Raising Free People</em> argues that we need to build and work within systems truly designed for any human to learn, grow, socialize, and thrive, regardless of age, ability, background, or access to money.</p> <p>Families and conscious organizations across the world are healing generations of school wounds by pivoting into self-directed, intentional community-building, and <em>Raising Free People</em> shows you exactly how unschooling can help facilitate this process. Individual experiences influence our approach to parenting and education, so we need more than the rules, tools, and &ldquo;bad adult&rdquo; guilt trips found in so many parenting and education books. We need to reach behind our behaviors to seek and find our triggers; to examine and interrupt the ways that social issues such as colonization still wreak havoc on our ability to trust ourselves, let alone children.</p> <p><em>Raising Free People</em> explores examples of the transition from school or homeschooling to unschooling, how single parents and people facing financial challenges unschool successfully, and the ways unschooling allows us to address generational trauma and unlearn the habits we mindlessly pass on to children. In these detailed and unabashed stories and insights, Richards examines the ways that her relationships to blackness, decolonization, and healing work all combine to form relationships and enable community-healing strategies rooted in an unschooling practice. This is how millions of families center human connection, practice clear and honest communication, and raise children who do not grow up to feel that they narrowly survived their childhoods.</p>
  • <p>&laquo;Pi&eacute; nos inspira en este libro a mirar hacia un horizonte crip, queer, feminista y decolonial que est&aacute;n construyendo aqu&iacute; y ahora artistas, activistas y pensadores crip. <em>Pedagog&iacute;a crip y la revoluci&oacute;n de los cuerpos</em> es un libro para todos los que quieran hilvanar la creatividad creadora de mundos que nos brinda la discapacidad en todos y cada uno de los movimientos por la justicia y la divertad&raquo;. &mdash;Robert McRuer</p> <p>&laquo;Pedagog&iacute;a crip y la revoluci&oacute;n de los cuerpos debe entenderse como un trabajo que da continuidad a otros anteriores relacionados con la necesidad de comprender las razones que expulsan a algunos cuerpos de lo humanamente previsto, la funcionalidad de esta exclusi&oacute;n, el impacto subjetivo de este rechazo, as&iacute; como, particularmente, los caminos para transformar esta situaci&oacute;n. Este es un trabajo de producci&oacute;n de conocimiento situado que parte de una afectaci&oacute;n particular profesional, acad&eacute;mica y personal en lo que refiere a los cuerpos no normativos&raquo;. &mdash;Asun Pi&eacute; Balaguer</p>
  • <p>L&rsquo;esport &eacute;s a tot arreu: a l&rsquo;escola, a la ciutat, a la televisi&oacute; i fins i tot a casa de la Carla, on tothom &eacute;s superesportista. &Eacute;s una ll&agrave;stima que a la Carla no li agradi gens l&rsquo;esport. Si tu tampoc suportes el futbol a totes hores, ni els prejudicis absurds, ni que et tri&iuml;n l&rsquo;&uacute;ltim, obre la boca i parla!</p> <p>En el desenvolupament del projecte esportiu de grup, la Carla i la seva classe s&rsquo;adonen de seguida que, per trobar l&rsquo;esport preferit de cadasc&uacute;, cal provar-ne molts de diferents. Tamb&eacute; aprenen que la just&iacute;cia, la igualtat de drets i l&rsquo;esperit d&rsquo;equip s&oacute;n tan d&rsquo;importants com c&oacute;rrer o saltar. Al cap i a la fi, l&rsquo;esport ha de ser divertit per a tothom!</p>
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