
  • Fanzine/libro + CD. Larga vida a RIP. Un relato crudo y feroz que narra las vivencias del cuarteto de Mondra, contextualizado en la Euskal Herria de los 80-90.
  • <p>Interesante trabajo de la Federaci&oacute;n AnarcoPunk de Espa&ntilde;a, <em>Hazlo Tu Mism@ &ndash; Recupera Tu Vida</em> deja en alto la pr&aacute;ctica del D.I.Y que tanto ha caracterizado el accionar anarcopunk desde sus inicios. Para quienes les interese el D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself / Hazlo tu mismx), he aqu&iacute; un libro hecho por la F.A.P. (Federaci&oacute;n Anarco Punk) de Espa&ntilde;a, con instrucciones para hacer todo tipo de cosas sin necesidad de depender de nadie, solamente de nuestra capacidad y nuestra paciencia para esforzarnos y demostrarnos a nosotros mismos que somos capaces de hacer si tenemos paciencia y fuerza de voluntad, para lograr independizarnos lo m&aacute;ximo posible del mundo consumista.</p> <p>Contiene informaci&oacute;n sobre temas como: Auto-defensa, alimentaci&oacute;n, transporte, indumentaria, sexualidad, higiene, salud, propaganda, imprenta, etc. Este libro est&aacute; a favor del no consumo, de la autosuficiencia y la autogesti&oacute;n, y ayuda a dar un paso mas hacia la libertad, independiz&aacute;ndonos del consumismo.</p>
  • <p>Culture is a necessary element of any social movement, and should be taken with utmost seriousness by anarchist activists -and this includes music. This book lays out an evaluative approach through which the relationships between anarchism and music, and culture more widely, can be explored. This is not a list of musics that somehow qualify as 'anarchist', but rather considers how it might be possible to think about the question: &laquo;What is Anarchist Music?&raquo; It is argued that production processes are more fruitful avenue of evaluation than aesthetics and lyrics, but DIY cultural production values can be subsumed under neo-liberal logics. As a bulwark against co-optation and recuperation, an oppositional counter-cultural consciouness is a necessary aspect for any radical culture, which finds expression within the anarchist movement through 'cultures of resistance'.</p>
  • <p>Formed in Wiltshire, England, in 1980, the Subhumans are rightly held in high regard as one of the best punk rock bands to ever hail from the UK. Over the course of five timeless studio albums and just as many classic EPs, not to mention well over 1,000 gigs around the world, they have blended serious anarcho punk with a demented sense of humour and genuinely memorable tunes to create something quite unique and utterly compelling.</p> <p>For the first time ever, their whole story is told, straight from the recollections of every band member past and present, as well as a dizzying array of their closest friends and peers, with not a single stone left unturned. Bolstered with hundreds of flyers and exclusive photos, it&rsquo;s the definitive account of the much-loved band.</p>
  • <p>434 pages of essays from all over the world about how anarchist punk has influenced and inspired resistance in many varied struggles. Punk and anarchism have been intertwined since punk first blasted into the public consciousness some 45 years ago, and, while the relationship is complicated (and not ubiquitous), anarchism has been identified as punk&rsquo;s &lsquo;primary political companion&rsquo;&nbsp;but, close investigation of the connections between anarchism and punk has been scant &ndash; it&rsquo;s either taken-for-granted, lurks in the background of other topics of analysis, or is ignored completely. We&rsquo;re going to change that, with the publication of four books about various aspects of the punk/anarchism relationship, this is the first!</p>
  • <p>This booklet looks at the work of the first Romanian anarcha-feminist collective LoveKills and other anarchist group that came to life during the 1990's after the fall of the communist regime. It examines how they challenged mainstream feminist movements and others in the anarchist scene.</p> <p>LoveKills was the first anarcha-feminist collective in Romania, active between 2003-2009 in several cities in the country, including Craiova, Timisoara and Bucharest. They published a fanzine and organized a festival with the same name, organized debates, workshops, film screenings, readings, published and distributed brochures for March 8 - International Women's Day and were involved in various actions. LoveKills fought against patriarchy, capitalism, militarism, racism, fascism and xenophobia, as well as for animal rights.</p>
  • Una crítica al heroísmo, una defensa de la alegría y la potencia inmanente, una historia personal que atraviesa distintas ciudades, épocas e ideas radicales. Una forma de vida colectiva.
  • Orstralia

    With appeal to more than just punk history obsessives, Orstralia offers an unprecedented snapshot of an underacknowledged segment of Australian life and history.
  • Black Flag’s hardcore story from the inside, drawing on exclusive interviews with the group’s members, their contemporaries, and the bands they inspired. “A gory-gobsmacking read!”
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